Thursday, January 7, 2010

26 MILE RIDE WITH HEATHER 683 ft climbing

Heather is really impressing me.. she pushed really hard on our ride today.... Her flat speed is coming up and she is climbing better ... we didn't climb anything steep today but she didn't get out of her big ring.. when she would drop to small ring before on this route to the dam. Heather surprised me a couple of times... I looked back for her expecting to have dropped her.. and nope she was right on my wheel...
It would have been easy to say forget the ride today... it was cold and foggy.. as you can see from the pictures... but Heather said.. nope we have to ride... I wanted to sit on the couch after working my shift.. but she wins as always.. and we rode...
I stayed on Heather's wheel most of the time going up Camino Diablo... that's our climb..and she jumped out of the saddle to stay on top of the gear instead of dropping to small ring... again I was impressed and It's all because of her watching Lance win a mountain stage on a dvd Brentwood Bike Co. let us borrow.

One of the common questions we get when we share our adventure with aren't you scared of cars hitting you... we have it in our head that we have right to the road.. and we need to share... I read many stories of Lance getting blown off the road and fighting with the drivers.. we haven't had to do that yet but I don't worry about it much.. I always listen to hear cars coming and if I don't hear them hitting the buttons in the middle of the road .. I have to admit I get a little nervous.

Heather's new quote
Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.
~Lance Armstrong


  1. Heather... You go girl!! Way to stay focused and get the job done! And way to keep Mike off the couch!! LOL!

  2. Speaking of hit a biker, I buzzed Mike just past that sing a couple of weeks ago...
